OHBM2024 Educational Symposium

The symposium will take place on Sunday, Jun 23, 9:00am - 5:30pm (KST, UTC+9).


9.00-9.10 - Welcome and overview by Emma Robinson Download

9.10-9.40 - Matthew Glasser: MR acquisition and pre-processing to optimise surface analyses. Download

9.40-10.20 - Logan Williams: Surface registration and cortical parcellation. Download

10.20-11.00 - Lilla Zöllei: Cortical surfaces for neurodevelopment using infant FreeSurfer. Download

11.15-11.45 - Janine Bijsterbosch: Approaches to modelling cortical function. Download

11.45-12.20 - Anderson Winkler: Statistical inference on cortical surfaces. Download

12.20-12.45 - Panel discussion: Pre-processing & Statistics, chair: Emma Robinson

1.30-2.00 - Ruby Kong: Linking individual cortical variation to behaviour and cognition. Download

2.00-2.40 - Katja Heuer: Biomechanical modelling of the cerebral cortex. Video link

2.40-3.20 - Sofie Valk: Gradients of gene expression and neurotransmitter receptors. Download

3.35-4.15 - Emma Robinson: Surface deep learning. Download - Tutorial on GitHub - Video link

4.15-4.55 - Sophie Adler: Detection of focal cortical dysplasias - the MELD project. Download

5.00-5.30 - Panel discussion: Applications and analysis, chair: Janine Bijsterbosch


Simon Dahan - Surface Deep Learning Tutorial